Integrating Ict Into Historyeffective Curriculum Ideas Preschool

2. Guiding Principles

Integrating Ict Into Historyeffective Curriculum Ideas 4th Grade

  • The focus of the curricula shall be on learning to compute, which includes learning to create using a variety of hardware and software ools. ICT literacy, defined as the knowledge and ability to wield tools and devices, shall be an incidental outcome of this learning.

  • The curricula shall provide adequate opportunity for hands on learning and open ended exploration of ICT applications. Sharing of learning and critical evaluation of the learning shall be integral to the strategy.

  • A healthy ICT environment requires heightened awareness of the social, ethical and legal aspects of its use. Software piracy and plagiarism shall be explicitly denounced and discouraged. Creation of original content, taking pride in the creation and duly recognising others’ contributions shall be promoted. Safe and secure use of ICT shall also be promoted.

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  • The curricula shall promote the full utilisation of infrastructure and resources, integrating it with the school’s programme. Universal access and fostering of a sense of ownership shall be encouraged to ensure maximum impact. Innovative ways of reaching the unreached shall be promoted.

  • Integrating Ict Into Historyeffective Curriculum Ideas 5th

    3. The Learning strands

    The learning strands seek to build capacities to handling today’s and tomorrow’s technologies appropriate for use in education, capitalizing on technology to master technology, managing the ICT infrastructure, using technology to surmount barriers and to acquiring insights to lead technology educationally. The six strands are: